About Drawn Out’s Characters

Characters and lore


  • Skriblekins is one of the two pencil brothers representing the ‘Hand Drawn’ rubber hose style in the world of Drawn Out.
  • Prior to the great separation Skriblekins was a conjoined twin with Tisat functioning as the lead head of the pencil that drew out the entire world with use of the crystal canvas magic.
  • Skriblekins with use of the crystal canvas can be argued to be one of the most powerful beings on the planet! However, Skriblekins doesn’t let that affect his decisions.
  • Skriblekins has the tendency to underestimate problems which is one of the reasons for the great separation, but he still holds much care for all Drawn Out inhabitants and tries to help no matter how confused or in peril his own life may become.


  • Tisat is one of the two pencil brothers representing the ‘Hand Drawn’ rubber hose style in the world of Drawn Out.
  • Prior to the great separation Tisat was a conjoined twin with Skriblekins functioning as the eraser end of the pencil that drew out the entire world with use of the crystal canvas magic.
  • Tisat is greatly dissatisfied with his role and power despite the fact he is one of the most powerful beings on the planet, uniquely responsible for the erasing and end of all drawn things in an entirely drawn world.
  • After the great separation Tisat becomes fuelled with motivation to correct the chaos of the planet by revealing himself and his power to the rest of the world ensuring he has the say in what amount of corruption is allowed to exist.


  • The Cowboy is the representative of the pixel style in the Drawn Out world after his own evolution and creation as a sketch by the pencil brothers.
  • The Cowboy is responsible for the maintenance, security and defence of the pixel desert which he calls home. His efforts to spread the pixel desert were ceased by the eraser and a rivalry has sprouted ever since.
  • The Cowboy has given himself the responsibility to hide and guard the locations of the other ‘heads of style’ in order to delay the eraser’s inevitable takeover. Despite his responsibility he still takes care of his own biome by patrolling the desert constantly with two pistols on hand.
  • He also has a wife and a home in the deep canals of the pixel desert, he is reluctant to mention any of it due to fear of consequence.


  • The Slime is the representative of the ‘cute’ style in the Drawn Out world after her own evolution and creation as a sketch by the pencil brothers.
  • The Slime is responsible for everything deemed cute in the slime lands where she holds a massive fanbase and following. Her people vary in appearance and usually come in all shapes and sizes with the only thing tying them together being ‘cute’.
  • She prefers not to go out of the confines of her own land as she adores her presence and reputation as idol extraordinaire in her home big stage, but because of global catastrophe her spirit has and people have completely plummeted.
  • Although hesitant she works behind the scenes using her diminished magic skills to try and help the fight against the eraser as well as distracting herself and her people by having fun but ultimately ridiculous stage shows.


  • The Wombat is the representative of the geometric style in the Drawn Out world after his own evolution and creation as a sketch by the pencil brothers.
  • The Wombat is responsible for Trash Inc. the company he built over the course of his life. The geometric style and it’s spread is also something he supervises but doesn’t let interfere with his business.
  • He somehow found a way to make trash trade a profitable business and in his defence he has made enough profit to help sustain his own biome the self designated marsupial territory once known as the geometry plains.
  • He along side his employee the Glider manage and oversee all trade and therefore have the connections and resources to help the planetary conflict after the great separation.


  • The Glider is the right hand of the Marsupial Territory in the Drawn Out world after his own evolution and creation as a sketch by the pencil brothers.
  • The Glider is responsible for the operations around the Marsupial Territory formerly known as the Geometric Plains, which means that he has to act and perform obligations quickly as world affairs whether business related or global are deemed a problem by the Wombat.
  • The Glider knows trash like the back of his hand and his speed is unmatched, he is a very hyperactive and impulsive employee and his relationship with the Wombat has strengthened due to his efficient operating skills.
  • His priorities are always linked to the Wombats orders but he occasionally takes two millisecond breaks per day, and after the great separation he has had his work cut out for him as the world spirals out of control.


  • The Amazing Scribble is the representative of the sketchy style in the Drawn Out world after his own devolution after being discarded after the creation by the pencil brothers.
  • The Amazing Scribble is the most unknown of all the heads of styles in the world, although the nature of his style and it’s lack of development doesn’t bother him, the scribble style is so unstable that continued development is a consistent issue.
  • He has always been very lonely and since every member of the scribble society is created only after a pencil brothers mistake it means he rarely gets to interact with his own kind but despite this he wants to help everyone out after the great separation.
  • He can be argued to be the strangest being in Drawn Out as he has no real base to call home except the void which is nothing but blank space. He can be quite unstable in nature but he is always described to be optimistic and is rarely seen upset even when it is appropriate.
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